In 2016 the PIS government enacted a law, requiring wind turbines to be erected,
not closer than 1,500 - 2,000 m` from residential construction, depending on the Hight
of the turbine.
In order to revive the green energy sector, the current government has decided to,
reduce the required distance to 500 m`. However when the new bill was introduced
to the Polish parliament ( Sejm ), parliament decided to increase the required distance,
to 700 m`. The bill went to the upper house ( the Senat ), where the opposition have
a majority. The decision of the Senat recommended a return to 500 m`.
the law was introduced again to the Sejm, which rejected the recommendation of the
Senat and reintroduced, a minimum distance requirement, of 700 m`
The meaning of such a decision, is to reduce the available space for wind turbines
by 47%.
The law passes now into the hands of the president of the republik Andrzej Duda.
The President can sign the bill thus affirming it, or cast a veto
On the 14th March the president of Poland have signed the bill, thus setting it into effect.